Smart Card Glossary

A smart card is a physical identity representation of information for generating, managing, and sharing digital credentials. These embedded chips can provide a wide range of solutions, from digital certificates to building access key cards or network log-in. As a result, smart cards are widely used in the enterprise world for securing corporate, government, and […]
Smart Cards are the Future: Rising Demand across Industries.

The rapid development of digital technologies is propelling the growth of the smart card market, which is estimated to reach USD 16.9 Billion by 2026. Because of higher demand from governments, financial institutions, and retailers, the industry demand for various kinds of smart cards is skyrocketing. Surveys estimate that by 2023, more than 4 billion […]
Dual-interface & Hybrid Smart Cards – Everything You Need to Know

Hybrid cards do not communicate between their contact and contactless components. As a result, the two chips are managed separately, making it impossible to update them both simultaneously. In markets where higher security applications are required and where the cards must be used for multiple purposes, dual-interface cards are becoming more popular.